“What Means to be Hafu” 「1/2って?」 experimental documentary / installation project
Director: Nicolás Guarín
Credit: Videographer
ドキュメンタリー/映像作家のニコラス・グアリン(Nicolas Guarin)のインスタレーション作品の撮影を担当、ニコラスの前回のインスタレーション作品『Sound of Kyoto』にも協同制作という形で撮影を行っています。
2015年 第31回ベルリン国際短編映画祭『Interfilm FESTIVAL』ドキュメンタリーコンペ部門ノミネート
2015年 バンガローショートフィルムフェスティバルにて特別賞受賞
2015年 ボゴタ国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 出品
In Japan and many other countries around the world the concepts of ‘citizenship’ and ‘ethnicity’ are strongly related.
In fact, Japanese people who come from a mixed background, tend to be treated as foreigners in their own country even though they speak the language, and they have been born and raised inside this Island-country. This makes that mixed Japanese-people, who are referred commonly as “Hafu” (from the English word “half”), have sometimes trouble understanding their national identity.
This short documentary film intends to make people wander about the meaning of the word “hafu” through a series of video portraits of 3 mixed Japanese people.
Nominated at “interfilm FESTIVAL Berlin”, 31st International Short Film Festival Berlin 2015
Awarded Special Festival Mention at 4th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival 2015
Nominated at Muestra Internacional Documental De Bogota 2015
Exhibited from Feb 18th till 22nd, 2015 at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Annex hall.